
Konzept, Gestaltung für die fünfte Ausgabe des Unseen Magazine, für Vandejong Creative Agency, zusammen mit Isabelle Vaverka, Dominiek Kampman und Nina Couvert. Das Magazine erscheint zweimal pro Jahr und beeinhaltet zeitgenössiche Fotografie, Essays, Interviews sowie über 50 Künstler Interviews.

Concept and editorial design for the fifth issue of Unseen Magazine, at Vandejong Creative Agency, together with Isabelle Vaverka, Dominiek Kampman und Nina Couvert. The magazine charts key developments at the forefront of contemporary photography, for each issue Unseen Magazine invites a selection of instrumental voices to provide their take on the position of the medium today. The bi-annual publication features a rich and discursive compendium of essays, articles and conversations, and includes over 50 interviews with the most boundary-pushing artists.